Science and religious anthropology : a spiritually evocative naturalist interpretation of human life /
Wildman, Wesley J.
Science and religious anthropology : a spiritually evocative naturalist interpretation of human life / Wesley J. Wildman - Surrey Ashgate Publishing 2009 - 270 p.
ISSR Library Collection: Gifted by ISSR Library, UK.
Theological anthropology
Anthropology of religionļ¾
Religion and scienceļ¾
215 WIL-W
Science and religious anthropology : a spiritually evocative naturalist interpretation of human life / Wesley J. Wildman - Surrey Ashgate Publishing 2009 - 270 p.
ISSR Library Collection: Gifted by ISSR Library, UK.
Theological anthropology
Anthropology of religionļ¾
Religion and scienceļ¾
215 WIL-W