Lighten up! : the authentic and fun way to lose your weight and your worries /
LaRoche, Loretta
Lighten up! : the authentic and fun way to lose your weight and your worries / Loretta LaRoche - India Hay House 2009 - 181 p.
Stress (Psychology) --Prevention.
Reducing diets --Evaluation. ᅠ
Food habits --Psychological aspects. ᅠ
Weight loss. ᅠ
613.25 LAR-L
Lighten up! : the authentic and fun way to lose your weight and your worries / Loretta LaRoche - India Hay House 2009 - 181 p.
Stress (Psychology) --Prevention.
Reducing diets --Evaluation. ᅠ
Food habits --Psychological aspects. ᅠ
Weight loss. ᅠ
613.25 LAR-L