Senapati, Manas Ranjan

Environmental studies / Manas Ranjan Senapati - India Cengage 2018 - 238 p.

This book is designed keeping in view the core course on Environmental Studies at leading Indian universities, which will address all undergraduate students. The book explains various dimensions of environmental issues in a simple and systematic manner. Beginning with the fundamental environmental concepts, the book presents a detailed exposition of Natural Resources, Ecosystem, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution, Solid Waste Management, and Occupational Health. This approach helps the students understand the subject in a holistic manner. By following this book, the teachers can enrich their lesson plan with a view to extend the student's panorama. It will help the teachers build their knowledge on the subject and augment their teaching skills. The book is indispensable for +3 Arts, Commerce, Science, and undergraduate Engineering (B.Tech.) students of all Indian universities.


Environment and Society
Natural Resources
Ecology and Biodiversity
Water Pollution
Air Pollution
Solid Waste Management
Safety and Human Health

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