Badhwar, Natasha

Immortal for a moment / Natasha Badhwar - India Simon & Schuster 2018 - 233 p.

If you are in love, afraid of being in love or in love but don’t quite know with what, then this is the book for you.

If you are unhappily married, happily unmarried, or vice versa, then this book is the distraction you need.

If you have children, don’t have children, or ever plan to be a child yourself, then hang on to the monkey bars this book is.

If you have one life, infinite loves and time management issues, then you are holding the essential field guide to sorting out the clutter. Or wreckage. Or whatever it is you call yourself.

Neither of us knew how to be married. This was not dangerous in itself, although it did get us into many awkward situations. Left to ourselves, of course, we found it hilarious. Early in our marriage we would play house-house as if it were a children's game in which we sometimes got to act like grown ups. This is what saved us eventually. To be honest, neither of us wanted to get married either. But again, it was awkward spending so much time in each other's homes and trying to keep our parents convinced that we were really just handing out innocently.


Self-help techniques

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